A Study on Determinants of the Emergence of Sustainable Smart Cities
Smart City, Determinants of Smart City, Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Framework, Urban GovernanceAbstract
The urbanization is the moment of people from the countryside to city seeking employment and other basic amenities to improve their life better. As per the World Bank data, today about 4.4 billion (56%) inhabitants live in big cities and the numbers are rising steadily. The city life has been posting major challenges to the city-planners and governments to meet the expectation of city life. The concept of smart city is basically how the big cities are governed by using newer and smarter technologies in every sphere of city life ranging from connectivity to financial transaction. The digital technologies and data collected by the cities through various ICT like IoT may considerably raise the efficiency bar to deliver improved services to its dwellers. This exploratory study examines the determinants and sub-determinants and their rankings through statistical analysis by using Technology-Organization-Environment framework model.
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