A Survey on New Product Development, Market Orientation and Organizational Financial Performance: A Case Study on Selected Beer Factories in Ethiopia
Market orientation, Product performance, profitability, organizational performanceAbstract
Survey was conducted to investigate the association between market orientation, production process, product performance, organizational performance and financial performance. The purpose of this survey was to investigate relationships among market orientation, launch strategy, product performance, organizational performance, profitability and financial performance. Target populations were employees of selected Ethiopian beer factories BGI Ethiopia who are currently consuming the product; from which sample was determined through judgmental sampling method. Inquired data was collected via survey questionnaire, linear regression analysis was conducted to check the relationship among leading variable. Finally it was found that firms’ profitability and financial performance are being influenced by market orientation, launch strategy, product performance and organizational performance. Firms are recommended to focus on enhancing market orientation, launch strategy, product performance and organizational performance to boost profitability and financial performance.
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