Socioeconomic Status of Workers in the Sugar Industry and Their Plight: The Case of the Northern Corridor, Cebu, Philippines
Poverty, Sugarcane Industry, Economic Sustainability, Tapaseros (Sugarcane Workers), Livelihood ProgramsAbstract
One significant issue in the Philippines today is widespread poverty, especially affecting individuals whose livelihoods depend on sugarcane. This problem is particularly pronounced in areas where large tracts of land, known as haciendas - a legacy of the Spanish land management system called encomienda - are owned by one or a few families. This study aimed to investigate the economic status of workers, known as tapaseros, in the sugarcane industry within the 4th District of Cebu, Philippines, to aid in the development of a proposed alternative livelihood program. This research employed a descriptive survey method, utilizing a researcher-designed questionnaire as the primary data collection tool to gather information on respondents’ profiles and economic conditions. The questionnaire underwent content validation by experts, and its reliability was confirmed with a Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.8121, indicating high reliability for administration. The study was conducted in three municipalities in the 4th District of Cebu Province: Bogo, Medellin, and Daanbantayan. Ethical protocols involving beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, voluntarism, and confidentiality were strictly followed. The study’s participants included 205 respondents. Statistical analyses included frequency counts, percentages, weighted means, the Chi-Square test of independence, and one-way ANOVA. The findings revealed that most respondents were aged 40-44 years, all were male, the majority were married, had an elementary-level education, had worked as tapaseros for 6-10 years, had 4-6 family members, and earned less than Php 7,890.00 per month. Additionally, respondents generally agreed that they were economically sustainable and practiced income management occasionally. However, they disagreed with statements regarding job satisfaction as workers in the sugarcane industry in the 4th District of Cebu Province. A significant relationship was found between respondents’ average monthly income and their perception of economic sustainability. Moreover, significant relationships were also observed between respondents’ educational attainment, family size, and monthly income, and their views on income management. Significant differences were noted in the respondents’ economic status concerning economic sustainability, income management, and job satisfaction. Despite enduring the physically demanding nature of their work under the intense heat of the sun and carrying heavy bundles of sugarcane for milling, workers in the sugarcane plantations or haciendas remain impoverished and underpaid. Therefore, it is recommended that proposed livelihood programs for communities in the sugarcane plantation areas of Bogo City and the municipalities of Medellin and Daanbantayan be implemented. These initiatives should be supported by local government units (LGUs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and led by Cebu Roosevelt Memorial Colleges (CRMC) in Bogo City, Cebu, as part of their community extension program.
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